Erika Beth DaSilva


Whimsical. Simple. Modern while remaining classic.

Obviously influenced by working with food, drink, and florals, these all-hand painted designs by Erika Beth DaSilva of Crown 9 Studios are my main obsession right now. She's been working with some of my favorites around the City, too (see: Terre Magazine, Aita in Clinton Hill, Joint Venture, and Greening's Fine Foods). In her own words, Erika is a self-taught illustrator painting primarily in gouache. Her work is inspired by 10 years in food and wine in New York City and abroad, and focuses on the community surrounding food and those who serve and grow it. 

I mean, come on. She's amazing. Her work is amazing. These are the discoveries we live for. 

For me, these illustrations play on lack of pretense, almost poking fun of instagrammable table settings, and the importance of comfortable atmosphere. Her use of rich colors, and borders blending into each other, almost giving an energetic pulse about these scenes, bring what are otherwise still lives, into motion. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of these soon. 
