
Billy Smith

“Wait, is this what a podcast is?”

An Interview with Billy Smith

Gabriela Acero

Billy Smith (left) and Pam Yung (middle) Ali Altinsoy (right, kissing) 

Billy Smith (left) and Pam Yung (middle) Ali Altinsoy (right, kissing) 


In this inaugural interview I chat with Billy Smith - a dear friend, former coworker, current collaborator, and forever obsession.

Despite what I told him, I did not plan any questions. What follows is a conversation not unlike many we have had while sharing a bottle (or 7). I have chosen to leave the audio intact, in its original form - a single recording on a Monday afternoon at A/D/O in Greenpoint (shameless plug: if you haven’t been there, or to Restaurant Norman, do yourself a favor and hop to it!). I apologize in advance for how many time I use the word “like”, followed closely by the abuse of “umm”, “kind of” and of course a plethora of awkward cackles.


Billy and I chat about wine and life, our shared time at Semilla, and our drive to please. For those who don’t know him, here’s a bit about Billy to set the stage.


(please note” these questions are stolen from back issues of Cosmo, dating apps, and college admissions questionnaires. Also, they may or may not have been answered by me on behalf of Mr. Smith).

Xoxo @l.steel


A/S/L: Unknown, male (but actually a fairy-wine-mother), ride or die Brooklyn

Occupation (aka: where can you find him?): slinging wine and phenom small talk at The Four Horsemen

Hobbies: wine, small Japanese snack foods, karaoke, gift-giving

Favorite color: well that's just for you to find out in the podcast, isn't it? 

Ideal date: what’s that? Ain’t nobody got time for that...

Chocolate or Vanilla: Champagne

Favorite book: Dune

First concert: Something punk

Instagram handle: @mrbillybutthumps